Friday, January 24, 2014

Atlas Sewing Machine Manual

Cover Page
Inside cover page

Page 3, replacing the needle

Page 4, the bobbin case

Page 5, Winding the Bobbin

Page 6, To Thread the Bobbin Case

Page 7, Threading the Machine

Page 8, To Prepare for Sewing, To Start Sewing

Page 9, Cleaning the Race

Page 10, Features

Page 11, Exclusive Features

Page 12, To Regulate Length of Stitch

Page 13, Tensions

 Page 14, Replace the Bulb, To Oil the Machine

Page 15, To Oil the Motor and Underneath

Page 16, Non-Jamming Feature

Page 17, Needle and Thread Sizes

Page 18, Operating Hints

Page 19, Lifetime Guarantee Bond

Page 20, Back Cover Page


  1. Thank you! My husband found my Atlas last week, and I bought a manual online. Your manual looks closer to mine though. The decals are the same as mine. Thank you for posting!

  2. Thank you so much for the manual! I recently bought a similar Pink Atlas. I converted her to a hand crank until such a time that I can replace the wiring. I look forward to many hours sewing on such a pretty machine.

  3. Thank you so much for sharing the manual! Regards!

  4. I just bought a Pink Atlas. Will need to find a new belt but looks pretty good now that I’ve cleaned it!
    Thanks so much for the manual!

  5. yes my question is if I can use the motor off of one of the sewing machines it's a AC DC motor I want to see if I can use it on my bicycle for a generator

  6. can I use one of the old Motors off of one of these sewing machines it's a AC DC motor I want to see if I can use it on my bicycle as a generator or Dino so I can run lights

  7. Hola! Tengo una Atlas pero por favor si alguien lee mi comentario y tiene el manual en español se lo voy a agradecer, soy de Cuba

  8. My friend just bought a Pink Atlas machine and this manual has been difficult to find. THANK YOU so much for sharing this information!
